Big Band Day 2024

Millennium Park | Peterborough, Canada
The Peterborough Concert Band (PCB) will be playing in Millennium Park (next to the Silver Bean Cafe) as part of a multi-band event to entertain downtown shoppers, riverside walkers, and Silver Bean patrons. PCB will open the event at 12:00 pm with a 45 minute program that showcases the band's broad repertoire. The other bands on the afternoon slate include Northern Spirit Big Band, Marenger Band, Electric City Swing, and Knightshift. Times for each band are still to be determined. This free event is generously sponsored by the Downtown Business Improvement Area of Peterborough and Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Peterborough. We hope to see you there!
Note -- as this is an outdoor event, it is weather dependent. There is no rain date.
ON, Canada
All Dates
- 2024-09-14 12:00 - 17:00
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